Realty & Mortgage Co. currently manages approximately 6,000 for-rent and owner-occupied apartment units as well as 250,000 sq. ft. of commercial space located throughout the Chicago metropolitan area. We also have extensive experience managing properties financed through various HUD, IHDA, and City of Chicago Department of Housing programs.

In addition to providing third party asset and property management services, Realty & Mortgage Co. has extensive rehabilitation experience with a focus on historic restoration. Our projects have won several prizes, including several Chicago Association of Realtors “Good Neighbor Awards,” the Richard H. Dreihaus Foundation Preservation Award presented by Landmarks Illinois, and the 2014 IMPACT Award presented by the Lincoln Park Builders of Chicago. In total, our rehabilitation projects are valued in excess of $250,000,000.

Our staff is dedicated to executing the plans and achieving the goals of our clients. The services we provide are only as good as the people that deliver them, so we invest regularly in training, support, and equipment to ensure that our services are best in class.


At Realty & Mortgage Co., we have assembled a diverse staff of experienced hard-working and innovative professionals who work as a team to meet the goals of our clients.

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Realty & Mortgage Co. has been a force in Chicago real estate since 1906, enduring everything from the economic turmoil of The Great Depression to the paradigm shift of the digital age. With over 110 years of successful experience, Realty & Mortgage Co. enjoys a well-earned reputation as one of the city’s most reliable full-service real estate firms, one whose commitment to clients’ success remains unsurpassed.

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Chicago skyline at night along the Chicago river


We specialize in property management, but provide other critical commercial real estate services as well, including rehabilitation, syndication, brokerage, and receiverships/ REO. Whatever type of property you own, we’re interested in learning about your goals so we can develop a custom plan to meet your specific real estate needs.

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A small group of real estate brokers and property managers having a discussion


Perhaps more than most businesses, success in Chicago real estate depends on a company’s understanding of, and standing within, the larger professional community. With that in mind, Realty and Mortgage Co. maintains affiliations with a network of prestigious local, regional and national organizations to benefit the customers and investors we serve.


If you’d like to learn more about Realty & Mortgage Co. – our company, our services, or career opportunities, please complete and submit this form. A representative will be in touch with you promptly.

Or call Harold Rider at (773) 989-8000.